Saturday, October 13, 2007

My Body Is Rejecting Africa!

I have reached the conclusion that my body is rejecting Africa. I came down with my first virus on Wednesday. It was a really weird experience, and kind of scary as I am a pretty healthy person otherwise. I was boiling but shivering at the same time. I was wearing three layers in 30 degree weather - while still shivering. I tried to go to work the next day but had to come home and sleep.
The heat has been really hard to deal with. I realized that since I was in Nunavut this summer, my body has not felt heat since last summer in Ontario. Now being hit daily with 30 degrees and an intense sun has been alot to adjust to. I feel like I am melting all the time. My aunt got me this thing called 'the Cobber' which is a gel-filled neck scarf which stays cold for up to three days at a time. It helps to cool down my body, but I try to keep it hidden under my shirt as it is one of those things that makes Malawians look at me with that 'crazy Canadian woman' look.
I also feel nauseaus all the time, making eating highly unappealing.
Sorry to complain, but I ain't feeling so good.

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